Healthy Lifestyles
The Health & Wellness Coalition of Wichita is motivated to motivate you! We want to fill up your toolbox with valuable resources so you can get healthy and stay healthy.
- The Health & Wellness Coalition is committed to creating a healthy food environment in the Greater Wichita area. To do this, we must first assess the current state. The following three reports begin our journey to increase access to and consumption of healthy foods:
1. Wichita Food Deserts Why We Should Care. Released Winter 2013. This report is important to build the community’s awareness and understanding of where we are now, in terms of access to healthy foods, in order to help us bridge the gap to become a healthier community.
2. The Hurdles to Healthy Food Access Released Summer 2014. Approximately a quarter of all residents living in Wichita do not have access to healthy foods. Because of this, obstacles present themselves when making food choices. Barriers such as accessibility, affordability, transportation, food quality and perceived safety are all factors that determine what food choices individuals will make.
3. Local Food System Assessment Report prepared by K-State Research & Extension. Released Fall 2015. Opportunities for a thriving local food system are abundant in Sedgwick County. The county is home to an array of agricultural producers and processors, from small community gardens to some of the state’s largest grain processing facilities.