Healthy Eating
Feed Your Active Faith – a resource guide for healthy eating in faith-based communities.
Healthy Food Donation Policy – Is your organization commitment to supporting the health and well-being of our community? Choose to express this by providing healthy food donations to the Kansas Food Bank (or other recipient). Does your organization recognize that heart attack, obesity, stroke, and diabetes are largely affected by diet? And that the choices about what foods to donate can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of those ultimately receiving such donations. If so, this document is for you!
Healthy Bites, Healthy Worksites is a resource guide for implementing healthy eating in the workplace, or anywhere you live, learn, earn, play or pray! The importance of policies for healthy eating in the workplace are discussed along with local success stories.
We All Eat Event
This annual, free community event is designed to empower individuals to make healthy eating a doable part of their lives through education, hands-on application, access, and support.
The following organizations work together to plan this event:
- Health & Wellness Coalition of Wichita
- Greater Wichita YMCA
- K-State Research & Extension
- Child Care Aware of Kansas
- Child Start
- Butler County Community College Culinary Arts
Organizations that planned to participate in 2020:
- Active Wellness Solutions – American Heart Association – Ascension Complete- Belle & Buddy’s Kitchen – Central Plains Area Agency on Aging – City of Wichita/Sedgwick County Food System Master Plan – Chik Fil A – Children’s Mercy Wichita – Common Ground Producers and Grower, Inc. – Consuelo 4 Health – Cooking Matters for Parents, Greater Wichita YMCA – Davita – Department for Children & Families, – Dillons – Eat Real America – Healthy Green Nutrition – Jr Chef – Greater Wichita YMCA – Kansas Appleseed – Kansas Grown Farmers’ Market, – Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association – K-State Research & Extension Master Garden Committee/Therapeutic Master Gardeners/Plant A Row Committee – Maize Recreation Commission,- Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas – MG Honor Farms – Natural Grocers – NiceBites Vegan and Gluten Free Bakery – Nudge Compost – Orie’s Farm Fresh – Pampered Chef – Power of Produce – Premier Food Service – Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Ag Association, – Strong Roots Healthy Farming LLC – Sunflower Health Plan – Trader Joe’s – Victory Gardens, – Wichita Dietetic Association – Wichita Habitat for Humanity – Wichita Public Library
Kids Eat Right Month
Each August, the Healthy Eating Committee celebrates Kids Eat Right Month with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In 2016, we promoted Try Day Friday with tips on how to store, pick and eat the following foods: apples, kale, mangoes, & corn.
2017 Try Day Friday Food Features included: Purple Carrots, Melon, Cauliflower, Tomato, Avocado , Butternut Squash . Sweet Potato, Pomegranates, Brussels Sprouts, Jicama, Kiwi, Lime, Fennel, Beets, Kohlrabi, Pears, Pumpkin, Cranberries, & Ginger
2018 Try Day Friday Food Features includes:overnight oats, Spaghetti Squash, Garlic, Mulberries & Blackberries
Lessons Learned from the first We All Eat event
- Knife Skills by Chef Andrew Terronez, Wichita Public Schools
- Active Transportation Alternatives by Geoffrey Kisch, President of Bike Walk Wichita
- Creative Tips for Healthy Eating by Krista Sanderson from Eat Real America
- Eating Healthy on a Budget by Veronica Maples, Nutrition Educator K-State Research and Extension – Sedgwick County
- Kids in the Kitchen by Tammi Krier, Registered Dietitian Greater Wichita YMCA
- Sodium Reduction Tips by Liza Jackson, Nutrition Educator K-State Research & Extension – Sedgwick County
- Healthy Eating Defined by Sarah Oswald, Registered Dietitian Greater Wichita YMCA
- Meal Planning and Intuitive Cooking by Anne Marie de Jong, Registered Dietitian Health & Wellness Coalition volunteer
- How can YOU make a difference? by Claudia Hohnbaum, Registered Licensed Dietitian Health & Wellness Coalition volunteer
Animated Video Series
It’s easy to make healthy changes, just start where you live, learn, earn, play and pray.
Food Day
Food Day inspires Americans to change their diets and our food policies. Every October 24, thousands of events all around the country
bring Americans together to celebrate and enjoy real food and to push for improved food policies.
In 2016, the Healthy Eating Committee focused on FOOD WASTE in a four part newsletter series featuring the following themes:
1. Defining the issue. Week One
2. Sell by/Use by, what is food waste? Week Two
3. What can you do to reduce food waste? – Week Three
4. What is being done in the community? – Week Four
2015 – 5 Tips to Flip Your Fridge…for Health!
2014 – Pantry Raid, Stock, Swap & Save
Eating Right
Healthy foods are fundamental to good health and community vitality. The food production system — from agricultural production and processing to transportation and marketing — influences our ability to buy healthy foods. The food system impacts employment levels, working conditions, and the quality of air and water.
Stay Healthy
Healthy people require healthy environments — healthy neighborhoods, schools, childcare centers, and workplaces. All these must be structured in ways that allow everyone to obtain healthy foods easily and affordably and to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines.
Healthy Potlucks
Healthy Meeting Guidelines
Before you donate to your local pantry, think about filling a healthy plate
How To:
- Aisle-by-aisle: Finding the Best Canned Foods
- Cleaning Fruits and Vegetables
- DIY Homemade Salad Dressing
Did you know:
- How do I Use that Fruit or Vegetable?
- There is How Much Sugar in that?
- Keep your Foods Safe
- 5 Tips to Flip Your Fridge…for Health!
Great tasting, Quick, Easy and Nutritious Recipes: